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Calendar Icon


Calendar Icon showing the twelve months of the year. Each month represented by five vertical rows of Saints enclosed in individual compartments, including among other scenes: the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, St. George on his horse, the Birth of the Virgin, St. Ulita and her son Kirik; the Dormition of the Virgin, the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple and the Flight to into Egypt.The months are divided into the shape of a cross showing from top to bottom: the Burning Bush, the Virgin of the Sign, the Virgin of the Fountain, Descent into Hell, the Crucifixion (Christ flanked by the Virgin and St. John), the Virgin of Unexpected Joy and three other Virgins; the horizontal section representing eight different prototypes of the Virgin. Russian icon, 19th century, (53½ x 46½ cm)

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Dimensions 535 × 465 mm

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