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A Rare Icon of the Three Youths


A Rare Icon of the Three Youths cast into a Fiery Furnace, Ananias, Asarias, and Mishall stand unafraid and unhurt in the furnace, protected by a Guardian Angel, while below the flames engulf the prosecutors: on the right, the Pagan King Nebuchadnezar sits among his court underneath the golden idol.(According to the Book of Daniel 1:7, 2:29, 3:1-30, Mischach, Shadrach and Abednego were thrown into the Fiery Furnace when they refused to bow down before the golden idol set up by Nebuchadnezar). The icon can be seen in the Tretiakov Gallery and a tablet from St. Sofia in Novgorod.Russian icon, Moscow School, 17th century, (30 x 25 cm).

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Dimensions 300 × 250 mm

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